Entrepreneurship represents a wealth of opportunities fordeveloping countries, and can be a breakthrough point for the Egyptian economy,as it has a high growth potential. The report examines several entrepreneurshipand innovation indices, and reviews Egypt’s position within them, in order togain valuable insights about the Egyptian entrepreneurial ecosystem, and itsstrengths and weaknesses.
This report examined 27 measures ofentrepreneurship and innovation, with 15 of them being on a global scale andthe remaining 12 indices being country specific. All of these indices vary interms of their measurements, composition, and methodologies.
Diverse criteria have been selected to pursue acomprehensive comparative analysis of various indices. These criteria includethe identification of common variables, ensuring the consistency ofmethodologies employed, a focus on common measuring specific aspects, theutilization of common datasets, and an exploration of countries consistentlyrecognized as top performers across multiple indices. Moreover, the reporthighlights Egypt’s position among several indices to provide a betterunderstanding of the Egyptian entrepreneurial ecosystem, its trends andpatterns.
Based on the analysis of entrepreneurship and innovationindices, Egypt has several strengths, encompassing the abundance of young,low-cost skills, a high growth potential, and a diversified productionstructure. In addition, Egypt has several external opportunities, asinvestments in Egypt are more resilient to international shocks. However, Egyptalso has weak points, including institutional and educational barriers, gendergaps, and most of all, the lack of available data. Moreover, the internationaland the regional political instability represent a significant threat for theEgyptian entrepreneurial ecosystem.